Diamond Willow Rootball Sticks

Character for the handle

A rootball can add a lot of character to a cane or walking stick by making the handle a real attention-getter! This cane has a trimmed down rootball which is smooth enough for the hand, but bumpy enough to make it real interesting!

Underground Beauty

Rootballs require some effort! I carry a small garden shovel and when I find a good candidate, I dig around the rootball and cut the roots. Then I rinse the rootball in the nearest water. There is bark on the roots, so there is some detailed peeling involved, also. The result is a raw rootball that has lots of potential!

A Gandalf Stick!

Leave the roots a bit longer and you’ll have a real Gandalf stick! I’ve even found some rootballs with a long and straight enough root for a nice cane handle. As you can see from the pic below, some rootballs may have decay in the middle, which is easily carved out to make some great see-through thumb spots or even space for a crystal ball!

Rootballs are Cool!

The possibilities with rootballs are endless! The varieties are incredible, leaving lots of room for imagination. Try out a rootball and see what you can come up with!

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